Coronado Breezes - A Newsletter for the Homeowners of Coronado Beach Resort
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Team CBR


The entire team, including Housekeeping, Maintenance, Front Desk and Activities show tremendous dedication to their roles at the Resort, and go above and beyond to support each other daily.

As we wrapped up a very busy summer season, we wanted to celebrate the hard work and success of the entire team. The team got together for a celebratory picnic at the Chula Vista Bay Front Park in October. Associates were able to bring a guest and enjoy a relaxing evening of food, music and games. It was a truly meaningful event. Spending time as a family is one of the key components of our team’s success, and allows us to deliver excellent service to Owners and Guests.

Additionally, the Associates participated in Grand Pacific Resort Management’s Annual Housekeeping Olympics in October. This is one of the events that we anxiously await all year; it’s our chance to compete with other resort’s housekeeping departments in events such as Bed Making, Fastest Folder and Towel Origami. Coronado Beach Resort was well-represented and took home medals in three events: Bed Making, Trash Basket and Towel Origami. I’m sure you can agree; our housekeepers make the most adorable animals out of towels!

We also continue to host Beach Cleanups at Coronado Beach. It’s a great way to do our part to keep our beaches clean, be involved in the community, and get out and enjoy the beauty that surrounds us.

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